
“I love this Rosary! It is well made and the perfect size. The beads are comfortable, sized to easily feel the end of each decade, and close together so the Rosary does not get tangled. In addition to praying the mysteries of the Rosary, the colors invite prayerful reflection upon the theme, in my case Peter walking on water after Jesus calms the sea. This rosary is a delight to pray with!”

— Diane Pollard, May 2022

When my cousin was faced with some serious health concerns I was able to send her one of Emma’s comforting rosaries. It is called Peter in the Storm. My cousin told me she takes it everywhere she goes. It has brought her spiritual comfort in troubling times, an instrument of peace, a constant companion always near and a warrior tool. Thank you, Emma, for letting God use your creativeness in these beautifully themed rosaries to meet the needs of others and for ourselves. They are a tangible expression of our mysterious faith and remind us we are not alone in our life’s journey wherever God leads us with the help of Mama Mary and the strength we receive from prayer…

—Georgie Gremer, April 2022

This is my go-to rosary! The durable design makes it easy to take anywhere I go without worrying about breaking it. (Which, given my active lifestyle, means something). The colors, medal, and cross are all beautiful as well, but the best part is that I know who made it and that is was hand crafted with me in mind! Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us!

—Claire Henninger, May 2022